To build the capacity of public service bid committee members who serve on bid specification,evaluation and adjudication committees as well as Supply Chain Management practitioners who are responsible for support functions of the Bid Committee system. The programme is aligned to the basic values and principles governing public administration as contained in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996, in that it promotes a high standard of professional ethics, the efficient, economic and effective use of resources and accountability.
Target Group
Learners working towards this unit standard are in the public sector and Organs of State who serve on Bid Specification, Evaluation or Adjudication Committees as part of a bid process.The course is aimed at all candidates who are Supply Chain Management Practitioners, Senior Managers, Managers, CFOs, Accounting Officers and End Users who operate in cross functional teams as well as specialists in specific fields who are members of the bid committees.
Minimum Requirements for Enrolment
- Communication at NQF Level 4 and
- Mathematical literacy on NQF Level 4.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course participants should be able to:
- Explain the elements of the Supply Chain Management model within public service that applies to the bid committee system to establish the Supply Chain Management context.
- Explain the regulatory framework that governs Supply Chain Management within the public service to demonstrate an understanding of how each legislation and/or prescript regulates the decision making of bid committees.
- Discuss the importance of ethical conduct for Supply Chain Management practitioners within the public service and how this impacts on bid committee member behaviour.
- Prepare a bid invitation for a specific commodity within the public service, according to National Treasury Regulations and Practice Notes a fair, transparent and equitable bid invitation.
- Evaluate bids and compile a written submission to the Bid Adjudication Committee recommending the award of the bid to a provider according to bid specification criteria to ensure fairness and compliance.
- Consider for the adjudication of bids, the written submissions from the Evaluation Committee for fairness, correctness and compliance against predetermined bid criteria or for the drawing up of a resolution to the relevant authorities for the award of the bid to a provider.
This course is credit bearing and is registered against this unit standard: “337061”. Demonstrate knowledge and insight into a bid committee system applicable to an Organs of State in South Africa pitched at NQF Level 5 with 15 credits.
Assessment Approach
Participants must submit a completed work book and post course assignment. Upon completion, participants who are found competent will be given a certificate of competence.
This course is presented over five (5) working days.