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To train and broaden the knowledge  and skills base of practitioners involved in contract management on a regular basis.This will ensure that contemporary methods of dealing with and addressing issues within contract management are brought to the fore. The course  is aligned to the basic values and principles governing public administration  as contained in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996, in that it promotes a high standard of professional  ethics, the  efficient, economic  and effective use of resources and accountability. It also contributes toward the achievement of Strategy 10 of the Medium Term Strategic Framework  (MTSF) (2014 – 2019) in that it will lead to the improvement of capacity, efficacy, service delivery and quality of Supply Chain Management practices within the public service – entrenching a culture of an efficient and transparent public service. As you know, in terms of the outcomes-based approach, the course is in line with outcome 12 which is the development of an sufficient, effective, and development oriented public service.

Target Group

This Contract Management course is aimed at Supply Chain Management Practitioners and non-Practitioners  in the public sector. Non-Practitioners  include Managers, Senior Managers, Accounting Officers and End-Users operating in cross functional teams.

Minimum Requirements for Enrolment

Learners  accessing this programme must be in possession of a Further Education and
Training Certificate or equivalent.You should also display the following:

  • Communication skills at least at NQF Level 4 that will enable the learner to speak and listen during the learning  sessions and understand the knowledge and skills required
  • Mathematical literacy at least at NQF Level 4 that will enable the learner to complete the necessary skills audits and related skills practices
  • Financial literacy at NQF 4 that will enable learners to understand and perform simple calculations.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course participants should be able to:

  • Explain the legislative environment, the role-players, terminology and the role of contract documents pertaining to contract management;
  • Perform contracts administration activities;
  • Perform records management activities;
  • Manage relationships and monitor performance on contracts.


This credit-bearing  course is aligned to Unit Standard “377896”. Administer Contracts for goods, works and services in the public sector. Pitched at NQF Level 5 with 5 credits.

Assessment Approach

There  is no official pre-course  assignment, but learners  will complete formative  and summative assessment activities  during the course. At the end of the contact session learners will complete a Portfolio of Evidence and will receive a Certificate of Completion.


This course is presented over three (3) working days.