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The purpose of this course is to equip middle and senior managers in the public service to strengthen their understanding and application of the National Evaluation System. It is part of the initiative to build evaluation capacity within government departments and to improve overall performance, accountability and effectiveness.

The emphasis for this course is on critiquing and analysing evaluation reports, quality assurance processes in the design and conduct of evaluations and the applications of the key concepts of the national standards for evaluation in Government. The course also covers evaluation review and validation processes, communication in evaluation, management responses and an improvement plan as the final stage in the evaluation process.

This course aims to support participants to develop terms of reference for managing their evaluation. Also to provide support to programme managers and monitoring and evaluation advisors through the eight important stages of effectively undertaking evaluations.

Target Group

This course is aimed at middle and senior managers in the public sector that have responsibilities to ensure quality evaluations within government departments. This includes programme and project managers, M&E advisors and government evaluation specialists.

Minimum Requirements for Enrolment

It is recommended that learners attending this course should possess the following:-

  • Communication at NQF level 4
  • Attended a course in Managing and Commissioning Evaluations in Government offered by the national School of Government
  • Working knowledge of the monitoring and evaluation principles
  • Awareness of the legislative environment impinging on evaluations
  • Understanding of the general public service imperatives                                                                         

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course learner will be expected to:

  • Apply DPME evaluation standards during the design, conduct and documentation of evaluations.
  • Assess, critique, craft and improve the quality of evaluation reports, including their structure and logic.
  • Effectively communicate evaluation results
  • Facilitate the development of an evaluation management response and improvement plan


This outcomes based course is non-credit bearing.

Unit Standard ID Code NQF Level Credits
 None  HR247  0  0

Assessment Approach

The course consists of three days facilitated training with discussions and practical exercises for participants to work individually or in small groups to develop individual skills and apply the course content in their own contexts. Formative assessments will be conducted during classroom sessions to assess understanding of the knowledge gained. Participants are encouraged to mix with participants from other government departments to encourage learning and share different perspectives and experiences. At the end of the course learners will receive a certificate of attendance.


This course is presented over 3 working days.