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The purpose of this course is to facilitate the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the workplace, and removing barriers that prevent their successful participation in the job market. Learners will learn to develop presentations and raise awareness about the benefits of supporting a diverse workplace to employers, employees, customers, and the community. Learners will also be equipped with knowledge of the legal requirements, codes of good practice and manuals on the employment of persons with disabilities.

Target Group

This course is focused on persons delegated to implement the JobACCESS Strategic Framework on the Recruitment, Employment and Retention of Persons with Disabilities in the Public Service.
There is a need for capacity development among persons with disabilities, as well as for those employees tasked with disability management and implementation of the JobACCESS Strategic Framework on the Recruitment, Employment and Retention of Persons with Disabilities in the Public Service and who may not necessarily have a disability.
Learners who can benefit from this course include:

  • Disability management co-ordinators;
  • Employment equity practitioners;
  • Human resource practitioners;
  • Line managers;
  • Transformation officers;
  • Employees’ health and wellness practitioners; and
  • Facilities, communication and IT managers.

Minimum Requirements for Enrolment

It is assumed that learners enrolling for this course are competent in Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF level 4 (equivalent to matric / National Senior Certificate).
Pre-course work
In preparation for the course learners are required to complete the following actions, prior to attendance of the course.
Action 1: Pre-course reading.
The reading indicated below is viewed as essential reading for this course and can be found on the DPSA website:

  • DPSA JobACCESS Strategic Framework on the Recruitment, Employment and Retention of persons with Disabilities in the Public Service and its implementation Guidelines and Plan.

Action 2: Pre-attendance activities
The following pre-attendance activities are designed to provide the relevant orientation to the course and to prepare learners for interactive facilitated training sessions on “Disability Management in the Public Service“. They are required to complete the following activities prior to attending the five (5) day contact session.

  • Case studies

Learners should read carefully though the case studies in the pre-attendance reading and activities guide. The facilitator will refer to the case studies throughout the course. The case studies are quite long, and form the basis of a number of issues and topics in the course its self. It is therefore essential that they should take the time and effort to thoroughly read the case studies beforehand.
A number of controversial points are made in the case studies, which they may agree or disagree with. Learners will be invited to share their views in the lively, challenging, informative and interactive discussion exercises in the course. They should note their questions, comments and contributions relating to the case studies, so that they can bring them up in these discussions.
2.4 Departmental disability policy and statistics
Learners should source a copy of their departmental policy on disability management, as well as the disability statistics for their department and bring these along to the contact session.
NOTE: Learners must notify their supervisor/manager in order for him/her to support them on this journey. In so doing they will be able to successfully complete this course and take the learning back to their workplace. To this end the availability of time, resources and

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course learners should be able to successfully complete the respective unit outcomes of the course:

  • Communicate benefits and rights of persons with disabilities in the workplace;
  • Facilitate equitable representation of persons with disabilities in the workplace;
  • Conduct interventions to remove barriers to persons with disabilities in the workplace.


This is a credit-bearing course aligned to the SAQA Unit Standard indicated in the table below. After successful completion, participants will receive a Certificate of Competence.
2.1 Information on disability management
Collect and evaluate information on disability management in their government department or component and bring exemplars along to the contact session. This may include, for example:

  • Statistics on the recruitment, employment and retention of persons with disabilities in their government department or component;
  • Budgets for disability programmes;
  • Disability policies;
  • Implementation plans;
  • Departmental Annual Performance Plans; and
  • Departmental implementation plans.

Learners should write down a few notes or points for discussion during the contact session.

  • The Job ACCESS Strategic Framework

Learners should read and familiarise themselves with the JobACCESS Strategic Framework on the Recruitment, Employment and Retention of persons with Disabilities in the Public Service, along with its Implementation Guidelines and Plan. This will provide them with valuable background information and assist them with group activities, as well as the preparation of their course assessment.
They should write down a few notes or points for discussion during the facilitated course.
These documents may be accessed electronically through the following web-link: (select documents dated 9 March 2009). Alternatively, a hardcopy may be requested from their Disability Focal Point or the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA).


This is a credit-bearing course aligned to the SAQA Unit Standard indicated in the table below. After successful completion, participants will receive a Certificate of Competence.

Unit Standard ID  Title
NQF Level Credits
244600 Facilitate equitable representation of persons with disabilities in the workplace 5 8

Assessment Approach

This course follows an integrated assessment approach, comprising:

  • Pre-attendance Reading and Activity;
  • Formative assessment activities will be conducted during training delivery;
  • Summative Assessment: A Portfolio of Evidence for formal summative assessment, is required which include:
  • Knowledge questions to assess the learner’s foundational knowledge;
  • Practical tasks to assess the learner’s ability to manage disability in their workplace;
  • A qualified assessor will assess the Portfolio of Evidence. The Portfolio of Evidence will then be verified by an internal and external moderator. Participants have six (6) weeks to complete the workplace assignment and submit a Portfolio of Evidence.


This course is presented over five (5) working days.