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The Emerging Management Development Programme (EMDP) is a component of the Integrated Management Development Programme (IMDP), which provides a comprehensive and coherent career development framework for all public sector managers and leaders.

Target Group

Junior managers and supervisors on salary levels 6-8 or equivalent.

Minimum Requirements for Enrollment

Participants should:

  • Be In possession of, at least, a Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent;
  • Be recommended by immediate supervisor; and
  • Have acquired at least a satisfactory performance assessment over a period of twelve


Block 1: Contextualizing the Management Role in the Public Service
Block 2: Customer Service, Communication and Quality Assurance
Block 3: The Complete Supervisor


The EMDP is internally approved by partner higher education institutions (HEIs) as benchmarked against similar programmes.
After successful completion of the EMDP and the associated portfolio of evidence, participants receive a certificate of competence issued by the relevant university and the NSG. Successful participants of the EMDP are granted credit for some modules of formal programmes from the partner HEIs, provided they meet entry requirements in compliance with relevant admission policies.

Assessment Approach

The EMDP follows an integrated assessment approach and focuses on the application of competence. Formative assessment will be done through various class activities in which participants will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their previous and newly acquired understanding and competence. Such formative activities are a necessary part of the learning process, although participants are not formally assessed in these activities.
A portfolio of evidence constitutes the summative assessment which is competed at the end of the programme.


The EMDP is organised into 3 Blocks of five (5) days.