In 2002 the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) issued ‘Guidelines on Integrated Human Resource Planning in the Public Service, as well as a Strategic Human Resource Planning Guideline and Toolkit’’. The course on Strategic Human Resource Planning for the achievement of organisational results is aligned to these documents and will enable learners to acquire knowledge and skills to develop human resource strategies and plans which are integrated with their departmental strategic and operational plans, in order to ensure that their future staffing needs are met.
Target Group
This course is aimed at those persons involved in the conceptualisation, compilation, implementation and management of departmental Human Resource Plans.
Minimum Requirements for Enrolment
It is assumed that the learner has the following knowledge and skills:
- Implement and manage human resource and labour relations policies and acts, NQF level 5;
- Recognise the transformative elements of South Africa’s Human Resources Development;
- Legislation, NQF level 5;
- Apply the Strategic Process during Planning, NQF level 5; and
- Apply a range of project management tools and techniques, NQF level 4.
Pre-course work
In preparation for the course learners are required to complete the following actions, prior to attendance of the course.
Action 1: Pre-course reading
The reading indicated below is viewed as essential reading for this course and can be found on the DPSA website:
- Circular dated 28 February “Request for departments to align their Human Resource Plans with the pre-scribed template for Human Resource Plans in the Public Service;
- Circular dated 21 January 2010 “Reminder: Submission of the Annual Human Resource Planning Implementation Reports (HRPIP) BY 30 April 2011;
- Circular and Directive dated 14 September 2010 on the Implementation of Human Resource Planning Strategic Framework – Vision 2015 for the Public Service;
- First Aggregated Report on Human Resource Plans in the Public Service, 2009;
- Summary of Human Resource Planning Strategic Framework – Vision 2015 for the Public Service for Executive Authorities and Department Heads;
- Directive dated 11 November 2009 on the Implementation of the Human Resource Planning Strategic Framework for the Public Service; and
- Approved Human Resource Planning Strategic Framework for the Public Service;
- Vision 2015 and Accompanying Guidelines for Human Resource Planning, 2008.
Action 2: Pre-attendance activities
2.1 In preparation for the course learners should read through the information provided in the pre-course reading and activities guide and complete the activities contained therein, prior to attendance of the contact session.
2.2 Learners should source a copy of their departmental Human Resource Plan and check if it is in line with the DPSA Human Resource Planning Strategic Framework for the Public Service – Vision 2015 and Accompanying Guidelines for Human Resource Planning, 2008.
NOTE: Learners must notify their supervisor/manager in order for him/her to support you on this journey. In so doing they will be able to successfully complete this course and take the learning back to their workplace. To this end the availability of time, resources and an enabling environment will benefit both learners and their department.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course participants should be able to:
- To understand how human resource planning logically flows from strategic planning, as well as how it links to skills development and related strategies;
- Determine and apply an organisation specific HR Framework or template for HR Planning;
- Forecast human resource requirements based on the contextual elements that affect organisational results;
- Conduct workforce analysis;
- Conduct gap analysis to address HR issues and priorities;
- Develop and implement a plan to address HR issues and priorities; and
- Monitor, evaluate and adjust an action plan.
This is a credit-bearing course aligned to the SAQA Unit Standard indicated in the table below. After successful completion, participants will receive a Certificate of Competence.
Unit Standard ID | Code |
NQF Level | Credits |
252393 | HR321 | 6 | 12 |
Assessment Approach
This course follows an integrated assessment approach, comprising:
- Pre-contact reading and activities;
- Formative Assessment;
- Post-contact activity and summative assessment; and
- Workplace practice.
This course is presented over five (5) working days.