To build the capacity of public service Supply Chain officials in planning and executing Strategic Sourcing processes. Strategic Sourcing decisions are generally made at managerial level. However, it will be useful for all Supply Chain officials at different levels in the Public Sector.
The programme is aligned to the basic values and principles governing public administration as contained in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996, in that it promotes a high standard of professional ethics, the efficient, economic and effective use of resources and accountability. Good human resource management practices to maximise human potential will be cultivated.
Target Group
This course targets Public Sector Supply Chain Management officials, particularly those involved in determining sourcing strategies, procurement of commodities, management of supply relationships, management of bids and contracts, compliance and performance management and execution of supply chain processes. This programme would be of particular importance to Public Sector Commodity Managers, Heads of Supply Chain and managers. The target group includes supply chain officials and managers from all spheres of government, i.e. National, Provincial and Local Government (Municipalities).
Minimum Requirements for Enrollment
- Mathematical Literacy and English Communication skills at NQF 4
- Understanding of Supply Chain Management framework including:
* Demand
* Acquisition Management
* Logistics
- Practical procurement experience
- Working knowledge of PFMA or MFMA
Learning Outcomes
A learner credited with this unit standard should be able to:
- Mobilise cross-functional team for strategic sourcing;
- Evaluate business baseline for a commodity;
- Identify and collect data;
- Conduct data analysis for different information categories;
- Determine sourcing strategy.
This credit-bearing course is aligned to the following unit standard:
- 260077,“Conduct initial assessment for strategic sourcing”, pitched at NQF Level 6 with 4 credits.
- 260097, “Develop a sourcing strategy”, pitched at NQF Level 6 with 8 credits.
- 60137, “Execute a strategic sourcing strategy”, pitched at NQF Level 6 with 6 credits.
Assessment Approach
A summative assessment must be completed to assess knowledge and skills acquired related to the specific outcomes and assessment criteria specified for this course. This assessment will be done through a Post Course Assignment.
This course is presented over five (5) working days.